NSS Calls for End to Caste Reservation, Advocates Equality

The Nair Service Society (NSS) has called for the abolition of caste reservation in India, advocating for a system that treats everyone equally irrespective of caste and religion. NSS General Secretary G Sukumaran Nair criticized the existing policies, stating they lead to corruption and communal enmity.

PTI | Kottayam | Updated: 22-06-2024 22:38 IST | Created: 22-06-2024 22:38 IST
NSS Calls for End to Caste Reservation, Advocates Equality
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The Nair Service Society (NSS) has urged to abolish caste reservations in India, promoting a system where every individual is treated equally, irrespective of their caste or religion. This statement was made by NSS General Secretary G Sukumaran Nair during a budget meeting held at their headquarters.

Sukumaran Nair argued that the implementation of a caste census would only fuel corruption under the guise of reservation policies. He also criticized both union and state governments for neglecting forward communities.

Nair condemned the caste reservation and census as tactics to appease vote banks, warning that such measures threaten national integrity. He specifically targeted the Left government, accusing it of fostering communal divides and warned of potential setbacks if these issues are not addressed.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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