Man Arrested for Forcing Youth into Gender Change Surgery Without Consent

A man named Om Prakash has been arrested for allegedly bringing a 20-year-old youth to a hospital for gender change surgery without the latter's consent. The youth's father lodged a complaint stating that Prakash had been sexually assaulting the victim for the past two years. Police are investigating the case.

PTI | Muzaffarnagar | Updated: 21-06-2024 20:48 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 20:48 IST
Man Arrested for Forcing Youth into Gender Change Surgery Without Consent
Om Prakash
  • Country:
  • India

A man named Om Prakash has been arrested for allegedly taking a 20-year-old youth to a hospital for gender change surgery without his consent, police reported on Friday.

The victim had reportedly been sexually assaulted by Prakash for the past two years. According to a complaint filed by the victim's father, the youth had been missing from home for a month before he contacted his mother from a private hospital.

The police investigation is ongoing, with questions remaining about the hospital's involvement and whether the procedure had been carried out before the victim sought help. A case has been filed against Om Prakash and the attending doctor under multiple sections of the IPC.

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