Pakistani National Sentenced to 18 Years for Running Fake Passport Syndicate in South Africa

Arfan Ahmed, a Pakistani national, has been sentenced to 18 years in South Africa for leading a fake passport syndicate. He was found guilty of corruption and bribery, offering bribes to Home Affairs officials. Investigations revealed Ahmed's network spanned six provinces. Twelve officials connected to the scheme were dismissed.

PTI | Johannesburg | Updated: 19-06-2024 20:48 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 20:48 IST
Pakistani National Sentenced to 18 Years for Running Fake Passport Syndicate in South Africa
  • Country:
  • South Africa

A Pakistani national has been sentenced to 18 years in jail in South Africa for orchestrating a fake passport syndicate. Arfan Ahmed was convicted on multiple charges, including corruption and bribery, in a ruling championed by Home Minister Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi on Tuesday.

Ahmed's arrest followed a sting operation during which he tried to bribe Home Affairs officials with R45,000. Subsequent searches at his residence unearthed multiple unauthorized passports.

Court evidence identified Ahmed as the ringleader of a passport photo swap syndicate, working in league with corrupt Home Affairs officials to issue fraudulent passports. His network spanned six of South Africa's nine provinces. Twelve implicated officials have been dismissed, but there's growing concern over their lack of criminal charges.

Home Minister Motsoaledi lauded the ruling, highlighting the country's commitment to tackling fraud and corruption. He pointed out that due to high passport fraud, countries like the UK now require visas for South Africans, a practice not needed before. Motsoaledi stressed an uncompromising stance against such crimes to safeguard South Africans' interests.

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