UNHCR Chief Voices Concerns Over US Asylum Restrictions Amid Rising Global Displacement

The head of the UN refugee agency, Filippo Grandi, highlighted his concerns over new US asylum restrictions, cautioning they might violate international refugee law. He also discussed the agency's 2023 report, revealing global displacement reached 120 million, with overlooked crises in Africa, particularly Sudan, amidst the global focus on Gaza and Ukraine.

PTI | Geneva | Updated: 13-06-2024 09:11 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 09:11 IST
UNHCR Chief Voices Concerns Over US Asylum Restrictions Amid Rising Global Displacement
Filippo Grandi
  • Country:
  • Switzerland

The head of the United Nations refugee agency, Filippo Grandi, has expressed reservations about the Biden administration's newly enforced asylum restrictions. Speaking with The Associated Press, Grandi warned that elements of the executive order could be in conflict with international laws protecting refugees.

On Thursday, the UNHCR published its annual "Global Trends" report for 2023, which revealed a staggering number of displacements globally, reaching 120 million people, an increase of 6 million from the previous year. This figure is comparable to Japan's entire population.

Grandi pointed out that a significant portion of those displaced reside in low or middle-income countries, challenging the perception that migration and refugee crises are predominantly concerns for wealthier nations. He emphasized the underreported crises in Africa, particularly in Sudan, contrasting it with the intense focus on Gaza and Ukraine. Grandi highlighted the complexity of the U.S. refugee situation, especially along the US-Mexican border. While the Biden administration plans to cap refugee resettlements at 125,000, he warned against imposing restrictions that might contravene humanitarian norms.

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