Biden Sued Over Asylum Policy Echoing Trump's Measures

A coalition of immigrant advocacy groups has sued the Biden administration over a recent directive halting asylum claims at the southern border. The lawsuit challenges the legality of Biden's new policy, comparing it to a similar Trump-era measure previously blocked by the courts.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 13-06-2024 03:11 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 03:11 IST
Biden Sued Over Asylum Policy Echoing Trump's Measures
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A coalition of immigrant advocacy groups sued the Biden administration on Wednesday over a recent directive halting asylum claims at the southern border. This legal action mirrors opposition to a similar measure from the Trump administration, which had been previously blocked by the courts.

The lawsuit, initiated by the American Civil Liberties Union and other advocacy organizations, questions the legality of Biden's new policy, which came after extensive internal discussions within the White House. The policy seeks to counter political criticism of the president's handling of immigration issues.

Lee Gelernt, an ACLU attorney, noted, "By enacting an asylum ban that is legally indistinguishable from the Trump ban, we had no choice but to file this lawsuit." The restrictions, which took immediate effect, limit asylum processing once daily migrant encounters exceed 2,500 between ports of entry. Presently, daily figures surpass this threshold at around 4,000.

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