Odd News Roundup: Chicken farmer cries foul and Bolivian girl takes her virtual classes in cemetery

Chicken farmer cries foul as Italian tank blows up coop An Italian army tank taking part in military exercises in northern Italy mistakenly blew up a chicken coop late on Wednesday killing a large number of birds, local police said.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 20-03-2021 18:32 IST | Created: 20-03-2021 18:26 IST
Odd News Roundup: Chicken farmer cries foul and Bolivian girl takes her virtual classes in cemetery

Following is a summary of current odd news briefs.

Chicken farmer cries foul as Italian tank blows up coop

An Italian army tank taking part in military exercises in northern Italy mistakenly blew up a chicken coop late on Wednesday killing a large number of birds, local police said. The accident happened on the outskirts of Vivaro, a small town close to an army shooting range.

Scared of school? Bolivian girl takes her virtual classes in a cemetery

Neydi, a Bolivian primary school student, logs on to virtual classes like many kids around the world during the pandemic. The only difference is the setting: surrounded by tombstones in a public cemetery in highland city La Paz. Bolivia has kept its schools largely closed during the COVID-19 outbreak, pushing many parents to find novel ways to get their kids online for class. It is particularly challenging in a country with sporadic internet connectivity, limited access to expensive computers, and high costs for mobile data.

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