PM Luxon and Health Minister Open New Primary Birthing Unit in Wānaka

Dr. Reti emphasized that the event demonstrates the Government’s commitment to improving health infrastructure, particularly in supporting families before birth and during the early days of life.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Wellington | Updated: 27-06-2024 11:14 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 10:56 IST
PM Luxon and Health Minister Open New Primary Birthing Unit in Wānaka
“We are honored to open Wānaka’s first birthing unit and to be here in person for the naming of the new facility, Rākai Kahukura,” stated Dr. Reti. Image Credit:
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  • New Zealand

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon joined Health Minister Dr. Shane Reti to officially open a new primary birthing unit in Wānaka today.

Dr. Reti emphasized that the event demonstrates the Government’s commitment to improving health infrastructure, particularly in supporting families before birth and during the early days of life.

“We are honored to open Wānaka’s first birthing unit and to be here in person for the naming of the new facility, Rākai Kahukura,” stated Dr. Reti.

The birthing unit features a birthing room with an ensuite and birthing pool, four post-natal rooms with ensuites, an onsite antenatal clinic with four rooms, a community room for relaxation and education, and a whānau room.

“This facility and the incredible staff who will work here will make a real difference for many local families, who until now have faced long and potentially stressful travel to give birth,” Dr. Reti added. “Each year, we expect Rākai Kahukura to support about 400 families and 50 births. The unit will welcome pregnant women and families from 29 July this year, following an open day for the community to explore the new facility.”

The birthing unit marks a significant step forward for infrastructure in Otago. However, Dr. Reti acknowledged that there is still work to be done to expand access to healthcare in the Central Lakes area.

“This Government is focused on improving the public services New Zealanders rely on, including healthcare. Our goal is for all New Zealanders to have timely access to quality healthcare,” he stated. “The Central Lakes community has experienced significant population growth, and we are committed to improving access to services and delivering quality healthcare, especially for rural communities and growing areas such as Wānaka.”

Dr. Reti also announced further investment for a new Primary Birthing Unit in Clyde. The additional funding will see construction start at the Dunstan Hospital site in early 2025, with the facility expected to welcome patients by 2026. As a combined investment of $11 million, the Wānaka and Clyde Primary Birthing Units bring crucial health services to the region.

“This will add further birthing facilities to the region, improving access to services and the delivery of quality healthcare,” Dr. Reti concluded.

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