Valdecy Urquiza Elected as First Developing Nation Head of Interpol

Valdecy Urquiza from Brazil becomes the first police officer from a developing nation to be elected head of Interpol. He will succeed Juergen Stock and lead the international police agency from 2025 to 2030. His election marks a significant moment for diversity and inclusion within Interpol.

Reuters | Updated: 25-06-2024 23:48 IST | Created: 25-06-2024 23:48 IST
Valdecy Urquiza Elected as First Developing Nation Head of Interpol
Valdecy Urquiza

Interpol's executive committee on Tuesday for the first time elected a police officer from a developing nation to head the international police agency, Valdecy Urquiza from Brazil.

Urquiza, currently head of international cooperation at the Brazilian federal police, will succeed Juergen Stock of Germany to lead Interpol from 2025 to 2030. Urquiza received eight votes against two for Britain's candidate Stephen Kavanagh and one for Mubita Nawa from Zambia.

His election must be ratified by Interpol's general assembly in November, the Brazilian government said in a statement. "This is recognition of Brazil's neutrality," Urquiza told reporters after his election at the agency's headquarters in Lyon, France. "Interpol has much to gain from diversity and the experience of other countries," he said.

Interpol is the world's largest police organization with 196 member countries. In its 100 years, Interpol has been run by men from just five developed Western countries, four in Europe and the United States.

"The organization runs the risk of losing credibility and legitimacy if it isolates itself. What we need for Interpol's success is plurality. We need all countries to feel included, for all regions to be served," Urquiza told Reuters in an interview in February.

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