Russian Ransomware Attack Paralyzes London Hospitals: NHS Awaits Resolution

A ransomware attack by the Russian group Qilin on London hospitals has caused significant disruptions, with hundreds of medical appointments and operations canceled. The investigation, led by the National Health Service, may take weeks amidst concerns about the leak of sensitive patient data online.

PTI | London | Updated: 22-06-2024 23:24 IST | Created: 22-06-2024 23:24 IST
Russian Ransomware Attack Paralyzes London Hospitals: NHS Awaits Resolution
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An investigation into a ransomware attack earlier this month on London hospitals by the Russian group Qilin could take weeks to complete, the National Health Service (NHS) said on Friday, as concerns escalate over a reported data breach of patient records.

The attack, which occurred on June 3, affected NHS provider Synnovis and disrupted services primarily in southeast London. Hundreds of operations and appointments remain canceled, impacting King's College and Guy's and St Thomas' hospital trusts.

NHS England confirmed the theft of 400GB of sensitive data, including patient details and blood test results. The National Crime Agency and the National Cyber Security Centre are intensively investigating the incident. A helpline has been set up for affected patients, while the NHS assures it understands the distress caused by the disruption.

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