Yoga: A Global Phenomenon Redefining Health and Tourism, Says PM Modi

On International Yoga Day, PM Narendra Modi highlighted yoga as a transformative practice that benefits individuals and societies globally. He emphasized yoga’s potential to attract tourists to Jammu and Kashmir, improving its economy. Modi shared personal experiences and global examples of yoga’s growing popularity.

PTI | Srinagar | Updated: 21-06-2024 15:55 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 15:55 IST
Yoga: A Global Phenomenon Redefining Health and Tourism, Says PM Modi
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During International Yoga Day celebrations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized yoga's transformative potential for both individuals and communities worldwide. Speaking at the picturesque SKICC on the banks of Dal Lake, he underlined that yoga's benefits extend beyond spirituality, promoting personal and societal development.

Despite early morning rain, which moved the event indoors, scores of students participated in various asanas with the Prime Minister, eagerly taking selfies with him. Modi's tweet, 'Post Yoga selfies in Srinagar! Unparalleled vibrancy here, at the Dal Lake,' showcased the event's spirited ambiance.

Highlighting the growing global interest in yoga, Modi cited several countries where yoga has become an integral part of daily life, including Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and Germany. He also spoke about yoga's role in enhancing focus and productivity, from the military to sports and even space programs.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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