Senators Slam FDA and DOJ Over Rising Illegal E-Cigarette Sales

Senators criticized top health and law enforcement officials for insufficient action against illegal e-cigarette sales, highlighting the popularity of unauthorized, flavored e-cigarettes among teens. The FDA and DOJ face scrutiny over haphazard enforcement, backlog issues, and ineffective regulation. Lawmakers demand urgent action, while the FDA announces a new task force to address the issue.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 13-06-2024 06:21 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 06:21 IST
Senators Slam FDA and DOJ Over Rising Illegal E-Cigarette Sales
  • Country:
  • United States

Senators on Wednesday sharply criticized top health and law enforcement officials for their inadequate efforts in curbing the rise of illegal electronic cigarettes in the U.S., a multibillion-dollar industry thriving despite inconsistent enforcement.

Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voiced their frustration while questioning officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Justice Department (DOJ) about their oversight of the expanding vaping market, which includes thousands of flavored, unauthorized e-cigarettes from China.

Chairman Dick Durbin displayed a photo of brightly colored e-cigarettes in a vape shop near the FDA's Maryland campus, questioning why these illegal products designed to appeal to children are still available. FDA's tobacco chief, Brian King, attributed delays to a backlog of 27 million applications, insisting the FDA must conduct scientifically and legally defensible reviews.

Critics argue the FDA has created an unmanageable marketplace, rejecting over 99% of applications submitted by companies. Lawmakers also heard personal testimonies, including a high school senior addicted to nicotine from flavored vapes.

Amidst mounting pressure, the FDA and DOJ announced a new task force to address the issue. However, skepticism remains, with some senators dismissing the move as a political gesture lacking the involvement of other crucial agencies like Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Efforts to regulate the industry are ongoing but face numerous challenges, including legal barriers and the persistence of manufacturers flouting regulations. Despite enforcement actions, popular brands like Breeze and Elf Bar continue to dominate the market, contributing to a significant portion of the $7 billion industry.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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