Sterile Mosquitoes Deployed in Fort Myers, Florida to Combat Aedes Aegypti

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes pose significant management challenges due to their daytime activity and cryptic breeding habitats, making traditional control techniques less effective.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Florida | Updated: 10-06-2024 11:51 IST | Created: 10-06-2024 11:51 IST
Sterile Mosquitoes Deployed in Fort Myers, Florida to Combat Aedes Aegypti
malaria vaccine Image Credit:

In an effort to control insecticide-resistant mosquito populations in Fort Myers, Florida, sterile mosquitoes are being utilized in a pilot project supported by experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This initiative aims to suppress populations of Aedes aegypti, a disease-vector mosquito species prevalent in Florida.
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