Government Unveils $22 Billion Transport Plan in Final Policy Statement

Over the next three years, the Government will invest around $7 billion annually to build and maintain a transport system designed to enable New Zealanders to travel quickly and safely.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Wellington | Updated: 27-06-2024 13:38 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 13:38 IST
Government Unveils $22 Billion Transport Plan in Final Policy Statement
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  • New Zealand

Transport Minister Simeon Brown has unveiled the final Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024 (GPS 2024), outlining a comprehensive $22 billion transport plan aimed at boosting productivity and supporting economic growth in New Zealand.

“Upon being elected, the Government was clear that we wanted to make good on our transport promises to New Zealanders, and that is what we are doing with our Government Policy Statement on land transport,” Mr. Brown stated.

GPS 2024 is already making significant strides with several key initiatives:

Public Transport: A 41% increase in funding for public transport services and operations.

Pothole Prevention and Repairs: A 91% increase in funding for NZTA to address potholes on state highways, and a 50% boost for local councils to manage potholes on local roads.

Additionally, an extra $1 billion has been allocated to the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) through Budget 2024. This infusion will accelerate the transport plan, particularly the delivery of Roads of National Significance (RoNS) and major public transport projects.

Over the next three years, the Government will invest around $7 billion annually to build and maintain a transport system designed to enable New Zealanders to travel quickly and safely.

Key Elements of GPS 2024:

Roads of National Significance (RoNS): The return of the RoNS programme includes 17 new projects. These will be complemented by 11 Roads of Regional Significance (RoRS), enhancing transport connections and supporting economic growth across New Zealand.

Public Transport Investment: Significant investments in public transport infrastructure and services aim to deliver reliable, effective, and efficient options for New Zealanders.

Rail Network Investment: Prioritizing metropolitan rail and the Auckland, Hamilton, and Tauranga freight triangle, following disruptions in recent years.

Road Maintenance Ringfencing: For the first time, road maintenance funding is earmarked specifically for resealing, rehabilitation, and drainage maintenance to prevent potholes on state highways and local roads.

Road Safety: Continues as a strategic priority with investments directed towards road policing, enforcement, new and safer road infrastructure, and addressing key contributors to fatal crashes.

Furthermore, as part of the Government’s plan to improve road safety and restore law and order, new legislation will be introduced this year to implement roadside drug testing and require Police to conduct 3.3 million alcohol breath tests annually.

“Delivering reliable, effective, and efficient public transport is a key priority for our Government, which is why we have confirmed significant investment into New Zealand’s public transport infrastructure and services,” Mr. Brown emphasized.

This ambitious transport plan is set to make significant contributions to New Zealand's economic growth and productivity, while also prioritizing safety and sustainability in the country's transport network.

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