SBM-U 2.0 Launches 'Safai Apnao, Bimaari Bhagao' Initiative to Combat Monsoon-Related Health Risks

The initiative focuses on comprehensive interventions encompassing swachhata (cleanliness), advocacy, and inter-departmental convergence, to be implemented by all ULBs.

Devdiscourse News Desk | New Delhi | Updated: 25-06-2024 18:39 IST | Created: 25-06-2024 18:39 IST
SBM-U 2.0 Launches 'Safai Apnao, Bimaari Bhagao' Initiative to Combat Monsoon-Related Health Risks
Image Credit: Twitter(@MoHUA_India)
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  • India

The onset of the monsoon season heightens the challenges of cleanliness and sanitation, increasing the prevalence of waterborne and vector-borne diseases. To proactively address these health risks, the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has launched the "Safai Apnao, Bimaari Bhagao" (SABB) initiative, running from July 1 to August 31, 2024. This initiative aims to bolster the preparedness of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to manage the sanitation and health challenges posed by heavy rainfall during the monsoon months.

Initiative Objectives and Alignment

SABB aligns with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s "STOP Diarrhoea Campaign," promoting the message "Diarrhoea ki Roktham, Safai aur ORS se rakhen apna dhyaan." It seeks a collaborative effort among various Ministries and Departments, emphasizing inter-sectoral convergence to tackle the multifaceted challenges of cleanliness and disease prevention during the monsoon season.

Key Elements of the Campaign

The initiative focuses on comprehensive interventions encompassing swachhata (cleanliness), advocacy, and inter-departmental convergence, to be implemented by all ULBs. The key elements include:

  • Special Cleanliness Drives: Intensified efforts in cleaning public spaces and communities.
  • Waste Management: Efficient collection and transportation of waste.
  • Toilet Hygiene: Regular cleaning of all community and public toilets.
  • Child Hygiene Facilities: Ensuring sanitation and hygiene facilities for children.
  • Water Quality Sampling: Regular testing to ensure safe drinking water.
  • Water Works Maintenance: Keeping water infrastructure in good condition.
  • Information, Education, and Communication (IEC): Door-to-door mobilization and awareness campaigns.

Preparedness and Implementation Strategies

The SABB initiative will involve an eight-week period of pre-monsoon and monsoon preparedness activities, including:

  • Diarrhoea Management Launch Events: To spread awareness and educate communities.
  • Cleanliness Drives: Ensuring visibly higher levels of cleanliness in public spaces.
  • Training Sessions: Educating local communities, organizations, and government officials on water management, sanitation, and hygiene.
  • Sanitation Worker Support: Providing care and facilities for sanitation workers.
  • Community Partnerships: Partnering with local NGOs, community groups, and the private sector to reinforce hygiene and sanitation messages.
  • Rainwater Harvesting: Promoting sustainable water management practices.
  • Post-Monsoon Maintenance Planning: Preparing for continued cleanliness and sanitation efforts after the monsoon season.

Community Involvement and Public Awareness

A significant focus of the initiative will be on community involvement and public awareness. Efforts will include:

  • Community Engagement and Education: Ensuring that local communities are informed and involved in cleanliness and health practices.
  • Rainwater Harvesting: Encouraging practices that support sustainable water use and management.
  • Post-Monsoon Maintenance: Planning for ongoing cleanliness and sanitation efforts beyond the monsoon season.


The "Safai Apnao, Bimaari Bhagao" initiative by the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 represents a comprehensive approach to managing the heightened sanitation and health risks during the monsoon season. Through inter-departmental collaboration, community engagement, and the use of advanced technologies for data collection and monitoring, the initiative aims to ensure the well-being of urban populations across India.

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