Russian Drone and Missile Attacks Disrupt Ukrainian Power Grid

Russian attacks on energy infrastructure using drones and missiles caused power outages for over 218,000 consumers in four Ukrainian regions. Significant damage was inflicted on a thermal power plant, but power was restored for most consumers later, according to Ukraine's energy ministry.

Reuters | Kyiv | Updated: 20-06-2024 13:27 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 13:27 IST
Russian Drone and Missile Attacks Disrupt Ukrainian Power Grid
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  • Ukraine

Russian attacks on energy infrastructure cut power for over 218,000 consumers across Ukraine for a time on Thursday morning, according to Ukraine's energy ministry.

Russia used drones and missiles to target energy infrastructure in four Ukrainian regions overnight, causing significant damage to a thermal power plant.

Power was restored for most consumers, the ministry added.

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