Govt Boosts Funding for Rural Support Trusts to Aid Farmers and Growers

“A strong and thriving agricultural sector is crucial to the New Zealand economy, and one of the ways to support it is by ensuring those working in the sector are well-supported," Patterson stated.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Wellington | Updated: 13-06-2024 11:36 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 11:36 IST
Govt Boosts Funding for Rural Support Trusts to Aid Farmers and Growers
Rural Support Trusts have been instrumental in assisting farmers, growers, and rural communities with practical support. Image Credit:
  • Country:
  • New Zealand

The coalition Government is increasing funding for Rural Support Trusts to provide additional assistance to farmers and growers under pressure, announced Rural Communities Minister Mark Patterson today.

“A strong and thriving agricultural sector is crucial to the New Zealand economy, and one of the ways to support it is by ensuring those working in the sector are well-supported," Patterson stated.

To this end, the Government is increasing funding for Rural Support Trusts by $250,000, bringing the total to $767,000 annually. “Rural Support Trusts provide vital support to farmers and growers facing various challenges, including personal, financial, and weather-related issues. This support is particularly important given the tough start to 2024,” Patterson explained.

Rural Support Trusts have been instrumental in assisting farmers, growers, and rural communities with practical support. “The Government recognizes the valuable role these Trusts play in rural communities across New Zealand, and we’re working to strengthen their funding certainty,” Patterson said.

In addition to the annual funding boost, the Government has already allocated an extra $170,000 this year for Rural Support Trusts in regions affected by prolonged dry conditions persisting into winter.

Minister Patterson emphasized the coalition Government's commitment to improving operating conditions for farmers and growers. “The sector has faced significant challenges over the past few years, and we’re committed to relieving regulatory pressure, enabling farmers and growers to focus on running their businesses,” he said.

The Rural Support Trust is a collective of 14 regional trusts that offer free and confidential assistance to farmers and growers dealing with personal, financial, or climate-related challenges.

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