Game of Thrones: Where is Alfie Allen 'good man' Wikipedia update

Theon Grejoy has his own Wikipedia page, and it does mention him being the "good man", which is enough to make the fans cheer.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 08-05-2019 11:35 IST | Created: 06-05-2019 20:43 IST
Game of Thrones: Where is Alfie Allen 'good man' Wikipedia update

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you must have come around a meme that claims that Alfie Allen's Wikipedia page (the actor who plays Theon Greyjoy in mega fantasy show) has been updated after the 3rd episode of the 8th season. The meme said that a new sentence, "He is a good man" has been added to his info.

This is in reference to his "brave" show in the episode in which his character, Theon Greyjoy, sacrificed his life for Bran, after which Bran in an emotional but triggering moment said, "you are a good man", that sparked emotional reactions from the huge fan base of Game of Thrones.

Here's this video (Tip: Skip to 1:12)

Although the meme is very good, and funny but unfortunately not true. Alfie Allen's info on his Wikipedia page has not been changed to prove that he is a good man, but we have no doubt that Theon is a good man!

Theon Grejoy has his own Wikipedia page, and it does mention him being the "good man", which is enough to make the fans cheer.

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