Arundhati Roy Wins Prestigious PEN Pinter Prize 2024

Booker Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy was awarded the prestigious PEN Pinter Prize 2024 for her 'unflinching and unswerving' writings. The award, established to honor freedom of expression, was presented at a ceremony hosted by the British Library. Roy expressed her delight, emphasizing the need for voices like hers in today's world.

PTI | London | Updated: 27-06-2024 15:14 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 15:14 IST
Arundhati Roy Wins Prestigious PEN Pinter Prize 2024
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Booker Prize-winning author Arundhati Roy, under the shadow of potential prosecution over historic comments on Kashmir from 14 years ago, was honored with the esteemed PEN Pinter Prize 2024 on Thursday for her 'unflinching and unswerving' literary contributions.

The prize, established in 2009 by the charity English PEN, aims to defend freedom of expression and commemorate Nobel-Laureate playwright Harold Pinter. Expressing her gratitude, Roy highlighted the critical need for such recognition in an 'incomprehensible turn' the world is witnessing.

'I am delighted to accept the PEN Pinter prize. I wish Harold Pinter were with us today to address the almost incomprehensible turn the world is taking. Since he isn't, it falls to some of us to do our utmost to fill his shoes,' said the 62-year-old author.

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