The Indian Spirit in Guyana: A Cultural and Economic Bond

In Guyana, the vibrant Indian heritage is a prominent part of daily life, from cultural icons and cuisine to political influence. The discovery of oil in 2015 initiated economic growth, attracting global attention. Both Chinese and Indian investments are shaping Guyana's infrastructure, though local sentiments towards foreign employment vary.

PTI | Georgetown | Updated: 27-06-2024 11:25 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 11:25 IST
The Indian Spirit in Guyana: A Cultural and Economic Bond
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  • Guyana

Guyana exudes an undeniable Indian spirit, visible from cricket stadiums to bustling temples, and even local eateries. On entering Georgetown's Providence Cricket Stadium, visitors are greeted by the sight of a 'Bhojpuri Nights' banner, an emblem of the deep-rooted Indianness in South America's only English-speaking country.

Former West Indies batter Ramnaresh Sarwan owns a popular Indian eatery, enriching the cultural landscape, while the thriving Guyanese Indian community, constituting over 40 percent of the population, retains significant influence in the nation's political sphere. Examples include President Irfaan Ali and former head of state Bharrat Jagdeo.

The discovery of 11 billion barrels of oil in 2015 has set the nation on a fast track to double-digit economic growth. This has drawn considerable international interest, including significant infrastructure investments from China and India. However, the local population expresses concerns about the lack of employment opportunities provided by these foreign entities—particularly the Chinese investments.

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