Muslim Pilgrims Open Hajj Amidst Tensions in the Middle East

In intense heat, over 1.5 million Muslim pilgrims began the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca. This year's event is marked by geopolitical tensions, particularly the Israel-Palestine conflict. Despite travel restrictions from Gaza, attendees include Palestinians invited by King Salman. The pilgrimage continues with outdoor rituals in extreme temperatures.

PTI | Mina | Updated: 14-06-2024 10:39 IST | Created: 14-06-2024 10:39 IST
Muslim Pilgrims Open Hajj Amidst Tensions in the Middle East
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In the sweltering heat of Mecca, over 1.5 million pilgrims commenced the annual Hajj pilgrimage on Friday, marking the start of an event rooted deeply in Islamic tradition. Circling the cube-shaped Kaaba, the holiest site in Islam, these pilgrims initiated a journey that transcends borders and brings together Muslims from around the globe.

This year's pilgrimage, expected to exceed 2 million participants, unfolds against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestinian militants. The intensifying situation has prevented many Palestinians from Gaza from attending due to the closure of the Rafah crossing. However, 1,000 Palestinians, invited by King Salman, reached Mecca to perform the Hajj.

The Hajj is not just a spiritual journey but a call for peace in conflict-stricken regions like Gaza, Yemen, and Sudan. As temperatures soared to 48 Celsius (118 Fahrenheit), pilgrims performed rituals outdoors, underscoring the enduring devotion to this once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage, despite significant adversities.

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