One Piece Chapter 1081 summary reveals Blackbeard's shocking move!

Devdiscourse News Desk | Tokyo | Updated: 19-04-2023 10:49 IST | Created: 19-04-2023 10:49 IST
One Piece Chapter 1081 summary reveals Blackbeard's shocking move!
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One Piece Chapter 1081 is the latest installment of the beloved manga series, and fans are eagerly anticipating what will happen next. The previous chapter, titled "The Legendary Hero," shifted the focus away from the main battle on Egghead Island, introducing new characters and plot points that are sure to play a crucial role in the story's development.

The chapter began with the arrival of SWORD to assist Coby, and we were introduced to numerous SWORD members who are also Devil Fruit users. This revelation gave readers insight into the formidable arsenal under Blackbeard's control, as the Devil Fruits possessed by many Blackbeard Pirates were also disclosed.

We also learned about Blackbeard's plan to obtain legal authorization for an island by using Coby as bait. However, the standout moment in Chapter 1080 was Garp's "Galaxy Impact," a powerful move that obliterated an entire city on Beehive Island. Fans are expecting the author Eiichiro Oda will bring a more captivating plotline with an intense battle.

Fans are expecting the author Eiichiro Oda will bring a more captivating plotline with an intense battle.

The new chapter will solve the multiple-awaited story angles of the manga.

Now, with the release of One Piece Chapter 1081, readers can finally get a glimpse of what's in store. Some of the major spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1081 are out.

According to the spoilers, this chapter promises to be action-packed, with a lot of exciting revelations.

One of the most significant revelations in this chapter is that Kuzan Aokiji, the former Admiral, has joined the Blackbeard Pirates as the captain of their tenth ship. However, Kuzan's decision to join this group of ruthless pirates is likely a strategic move to gather intelligence, rather than a genuine alliance.

It was also disclosed that during Kuzan's appointment, Blackbeard inquired about a man with a "burned scar" on his face. This individual possesses the remaining Road Poneglyphs, which Blackbeard is pursuing. The identity of this mysterious person is currently unknown, but candidates include Sabo, Urouge, or Douglas Bullet.

The chapter also features a fight between Garp and Kuzan. Garp, who has been Kuzan's first student or disciple since his early days, has the upper hand in the battle. This revelation is not surprising, considering Garp's powerful "Galaxy Impact" move that was introduced in the previous chapter.

The current status of Captain Kidd, the leader of the Kidd Pirates, remains uncertain. The last time he appeared, he was on the receiving end of a powerful attack from Emperor Shanks called "Divine Departure." This blow left him unconscious, and his fate is unknown. There is a possibility that Captain Kidd may be dead, but fans will have to wait for future chapters to reveal the outcome.

Lastly, Trafalgar Law was defeated by Blackbeard on Wiener Island, but he and Bepo, the vice-captain of the Heart Pirates, are alive. This revelation could potentially hint at future developments in the storyline.

One Piece Chapter 1081 will be released on April 23, 2023. You can read the manga chapters online for free from Shonen Jump, Viz Media, and Manga Plus apps and websites.

Stay tuned to Devdiscourse for more updates on Japanese mangas!

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