Will Dead to Me Season 3 plot a love angle between Jen and Steve's twin brother?

Devdiscourse News Desk | New York | Updated: 16-04-2021 00:16 IST | Created: 31-03-2021 20:54 IST
Will Dead to Me Season 3 plot a love angle between Jen and Steve's twin brother?
Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini would play the lead characters as Jen Harding and Judy Hale respectively. Image Credit: Instagram / Dead to Me
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Netflix already renewed the Emmy nominated dark comedy-drama Dead to Me for Season 3 in July 2020. The Season 2 received positive responses from fans and now they are waiting for the third season, which is expected to stream soon.

Dead to Me Season 3 will be the last and final installment of the series. The avid viewers of the series are quite disappointed after hearing the news. Fans are also wondering if Season 3 would clear all the cliffhangers of Season 2.

 For instance, the second season ended showing Jen's (played by Christina Applegate) new love interest with Steve's (James Marsden) semi-identical twin brother. Will Dead To Me Season 3 show the love angle between Jen and Steve's twin brother? Presently, the makers of the series are tight-lipped about the storyline. They have not revealed any spoilers yet. But we can expect that Dead to Me Season 3 will expand upon the love angle between Jen and Steve's twin brother

The series creator, Liz Feldman clarifies the reasons behind the ending of the series in the third season. She said that she does not want to make Dead to Me unnecessarily long.

"I always knew from the inception of the show that I didn't want it to be a long long-running show," she said. "Then there was a certain point when we were in production on Season 2 when the end of the show came to me, pretty profoundly, so I realized, 'I know the story that I have to tell' and Season 3 feels like the right time to do that. It's just something that came to me organically, and I tend to try to follow the gut feeling I have," Liz Feldman said. Watch below the promo for Dead to Me Season 3 or the final season.

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Christina Applegate who played Jen Harding in the last two seasons of Dead to Me wrote on Twitter “I will miss these ladies. But we felt this was the best way to tie up the story of these women. Thank you to all the fans. We will be getting back to work when it is safe to do so. Much love.”

As most of the entertainment industry projects are hampered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, similarly Dead to Me Season 3 filming was also affected. The good news is that the production is back to work and if everything goes according to their plan, Dead to Me is expected to come out in the late 2021 or early 2022.

The Netflix show Dead to Me has become one of the most popular comedy series. The first season of Dead to Me had acquired over 30 million audiences throughout the world. The series led to the chemistry between Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini. They were very electric together on–screen, which creates some funny moments.

Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini would play the lead characters as Jen Harding and Judy Hale respectively. James Marsden may also reprise his role as Steve Wood, Judy's ex-fiancé who is an attorney involved with the Greek Mafia. Dead to Me Season 3 is expected to be out in late 2021 or starting of 2022. There is no official confirmation on it. Stay connected with us for more information on Netflix shows.

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