The Sims 5 is under conceptual, pre-production phase: Andrew Wilson

Devdiscourse News Desk | Chicago | Updated: 08-06-2020 13:26 IST | Created: 08-06-2020 13:26 IST
The Sims 5 is under conceptual, pre-production phase: Andrew Wilson
Many video gamers thought that The Sims 5 would be launched anytime in 2020. Image Credit: Twitter / The Sims
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Little has been revealed about The Sims 5, but the video game lovers are ardently waiting for its release. Albeit The Sims 5 is still in its conceptual phase, it is reportedly going to be cloud-based and likely to feature a brand-new multiplayer component.

The Sims 5 is one of the most anticipated video games, thanks to the massive global success of The Sims 4 and other previous games of the franchise. The Electronic Arts has continuously supported the development of The Sims will several titles and DLC for each game.

Many video gamers thought that The Sims 5 would be launched anytime in 2020. But it doesn’t seem possible while considering the world’s health condition. The outbreak of Covid-19 has brought the global entertainment industry to a standstill and majority of the video game developing projects had been halted or postponed.

Before the global outbreak of coronavirus, the Chief Executive Officer of Electronic Arts, Andrew Wilson offered the closest thing to a confirmation that “The Sims 5 is indeed on the cards” during a conversation with CCN.

Andrew Wilson offered a hint at what shape The Sims 5 could take. “As Maxis continues to think about The Sims for a new generation across platforms and a cloud-enabled world, you should imagine that while we will always stay true to our inspiration, escape, creation, self-improvement motivation, that this notion of social interaction and competition – like the kind of things that were actually present in The Sims Online many years ago – will start to become part of the ongoing The Sims experience in the years to come,” he said.

Based on Wilson’s statement in January 2020, The Sims 5 was still in the conceptual and pre-production phase then. But not much development can be expected in the last five months as the coronavirus pandemic has brought a devastating effect on the global entertainment industry, while the video game is obviously affected being a part of it.

The video game aficionados are expecting The Sims 5 to be released in 2021 with an average price of £50 on consoles. Stay tuned to Devdiscourse to get the latest updates on the video games.

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