Tragic School Incident: A Young Life Lost
A five-year-old girl tragically died after falling into a septic tank at her school in Vikravandi, Tamil Nadu. Chief Minister M K Stalin expressed sorrow and announced compensation of Rs 3 lakh to the child's family from the Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund.
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- India
A heartbreaking incident occurred on Friday afternoon in Vikravandi, Villupuram district, where a five-year-old girl died after accidentally falling into a septic tank at her school.
The tragic event has prompted an expression of shock and grief from Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, who has conveyed his deepest condolences to the child's family.
In response to the incident, Chief Minister Stalin announced that the bereaved family would receive a sum of Rs 3 lakh from the Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund, as a gesture of support in their time of loss.
(With inputs from agencies.)