CBI Cracks Down on NEET-UG Exam Malpractices in Gujarat

A CBI team investigating NEET-UG exam malpractices in Gujarat recorded statements of three candidates who allegedly paid to clear the test. The probe spans several districts and new FIRs have been lodged. The Gujarat police prevented major malpractices following an advance tip-off.

PTI | Godhra | Updated: 27-06-2024 19:14 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 19:14 IST
CBI Cracks Down on NEET-UG Exam Malpractices in Gujarat
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A CBI team, probing allegations of malpractice in the NEET-UG entrance exam, has recorded statements from three candidates who reportedly paid to clear the test held at a private school near Godhra in Gujarat.

The probe has involved questioning the candidates, their parents, and the school's owner Dixit Patel at the Godhra circuit house. The CBI's focus has been on the alleged illicit activities during the NEET-UG exam on May 5.

Following an FIR by Godhra Police on May 8, the CBI too registered a case against unnamed individuals on June 23. The Gujarat police had earlier arrested five suspects, including school staff, leading to significant leads in the ongoing investigation.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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