Tehran's Crypto Craze: Hamster Kombat's Gamble Amid Economic Turmoil

In Tehran, the popular 'Hamster Kombat' app has captivated cab drivers, bikers, and pedestrians amid economic instability and high inflation. As Iranians struggle under Western sanctions, many hope to get rich through cryptocurrency. However, this desperation has drawn the attention of authorities, who see the app as part of the West’s 'soft war'.

PTI | Dubai | Updated: 24-06-2024 11:07 IST | Created: 24-06-2024 11:07 IST
Tehran's Crypto Craze: Hamster Kombat's Gamble Amid Economic Turmoil
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Cab drivers and bikers in Tehran are tapping away furiously on their mobile phones while waiting at red lights during an early June heatwave. The object of their rapt attention? The 'Hamster Kombat' app.

The app's rise in Iran underscores a harsher truth facing the nation ahead of Friday's presidential election. With an economy crippled by Western sanctions, persistent high inflation, and lack of jobs, Iranians are hoping this app might one day offer financial relief. "It's a sign of being desperate, honestly," says Amir Rashidi, director at the Miaan Group and expert on Iran.

Despite skepticism and potential risks, many are driven to the app by the dire economic situation. This burgeoning interest has not gone unnoticed; Iranian authorities are warning that the game is part of the West's 'soft war' to distract the public from political issues.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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